
In global city regions: urp3001
In global city regions: urp3001

International comparisons force us to re-evaluate our national decisions about the structure and nature of our discipline and to understand better why we choose to do what we do, and the way we do it.

in global city regions: urp3001

The chapter then calls for greater global cross-fertilization of scholarship in urban planning: "As a profession with widely disparate traditions and broad interdisciplinary connections, we have significant differences across national boundaries.

in global city regions: urp3001

The introduction to the first volume of the global best papers series published by the Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN) in conjunction with Routledge/Taylor and Francis, recalls the rise and current status of the Planning Schools Movement over the last half of the 20th Century from the founding of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) in 1959 until the first World Planning Schools Congress in Shanghai in 2001.

In global city regions: urp3001